New Zealand

Jenny Brash became a Porirua City councillor in the late 20th century and Mayor of Porirua in 1998. At her attempt at gaining a fourth ("Absolutely, definitely" her last) term in 2007 she received what Kapi-Mana News called a "landslide vote". Most landslides change things but this one keeps the mayor firmly in place.

Unkind people have suggested that she was responsible for the removal of a speed hump near her home in Motuhara Road. Citizens aware of her previous employment in one of the environmental arms of central government may doubt that.

Jenny's priorities for 2007-2010: "Value for your rates with efficient and effective Council services; taking a leadership role with the private sector on revitalisation plans for the City Centre and Elsdon industrial areas supported by Wellington's Regional Strategy; Community Safety; Environmental and Harbour protection. I care passionately about our city and the well-being of all its people and will serve you fulltime."

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